Detective Conan
16 year-old Kudo Shinichi, a famous High school detective, treats his friend, Mori Ran to a theme park named Tropical Land. After solving a murder case that occured on the same day, Shinichi notices and tails two people in black. However, one of them notices Shinichi and knocks him out. Instead of killing him, they gave him an untested poison that was supposed to kill him yet leave no traces. However, instead of killing him, it shrunk him into a 8 year old boy. Shinichi now goes under the name Edogawa Conan.
Another work by Reiko Shimizu, or rather her newest. This series is a disturbing manga about solving murder cases by applying the newly developed method of viewing the memory of dead people's brains. And as in every manga done by this mangaka, weird supernatural forces are of course included.The first chapter is actually a prologue and is concentrated on the first case where this method was used. Chapter 2 is when the two main characters are introduced, so hang on!NOTE: There is a related anime with episodes based on selective chapters from the manga.